tiss a very busy season!!

I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving full of fun, and family and food.... I on the other hand didn't get my fill of food... we went to the in laws and they made ham and prim rib... no turkey... no stuffing... no cranberry sauce... nadda.... however in my glum of stinky holiday food I did get to meet my triplet niece and nephews and they are wonderful little critters!! They are a month younger then my baby so it was a lot of babies going on. I have come to a bit of a stand still with my Christmas crafts (Although my gifts for the exchange went out I'm waiting to post pictures until the girlie's get them so I don't ruin the surprise) We have all been pretty sick, and when you have 4 kids sick you litterally get woken up 30 times a night... its been almost every 30 minutes between the 4 of them. This weekend however I roped my bestie into helping me pin my kids down for some updated pictures so here is what I have been doing while not crafting!

My oldest who is 6 1/2 and is no longer a little kid (insert my sad face here)

My two year old who didnt want his pictures taken

My nerdy 3 (will be 4 on the 12th) daughter

And introducing our newest chunky monkey Carson!! He is a lot cuter then these pictures are giving him credit for lol

And here are some more artisicy one I did of my daughter... she looks way to grown up here... made me a little scared at first lol but I honestly love the way they came out...

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