SO I hope on every morning after breakfast flip down my list of blogs I love to fallow and this morning I saw something I really wanted to pass along. Over at
Obsessively stitching She posted about her cousins new web site they are putting together. Its where us crafty people swap our crafty goodness for other crafters gold. Its genius! No money involved please take a look
here To read about it on OS's blog (Ps if you don't fallow her, check her wonderfullness out while you are there) then you can hop on over to
whoopdwhoop (Cleaver name too!) and start whooping around!
And just because I have been not posting for awhile because im working on a stock pile to open my Etsy store here is what I got to see yesterday, we got sun in the afternoon so I dragged all five kids to the park. This is Carsons first time on a swing and he LOVESSSSSSS it!
Thanks for your comment! The tutorial will be posted on Tuesday. :)