Although my husband doesn't understand my crazy need to make every party amazing Im lucky enough to have a great group of die-hard party attenders that love what I do. On Sunday we threw the very much antici[pated Dr.Seuss 1st birthday party for Danger. It was a great party, the sun was out (it was suppose to rain) it was warm but not to hot, the swing set was done, all the bark dust was laid, the kids were in great moods, the birthday boy was all smiles! That was all at noon when the party started... let me tell you a little about what happened the morning before. So some times I get a little to ambitious, I figured I had all the details planned to a T so a huge amazing first birthday cake needed to be made... a 130am trip to walmart 20mins from my house to get more Crisco and sugar for frosting was the first sign that I bit off more then I could chew, fast forward to me at 345 finally crawling into bed still dressed covered in frosting with a wonderful 4 "story" cake on my table, another fast forward to me waking up at 7, totally on my own time line ready to go, finishing up last min food getting the tables ready to take outside, jump now to 8:02... I blame what happened next one a flea, one small very itchy flea.. and a dog, a very itchy dog. Shelby was rolling all over the floor trying to itch her back and soon she found that the floor wasnt going to get it done, she had a great idea a table leg! Yes the same leg to the table my cake was sitting on, my very all cakes set to the back cake... I heard it happen while I was pealing egg shells... I froze. I knew what happened with out turning around. At 8:02, day of the party with a no room for error schedule, the cake was on the floor. The top two layers on the floor. The first two bowing from the weigh change, first thought totally break down, second thought I don't have time for that... cry later. I scooped what I could into a garbage can, the rest poor flea bitten dog ate. I re positioned the bottom two layed, and threw some cup cakes in the oven to save face. At which point im an hour behind. Then a bag of supplies turns up missing, no table cloths, no party twirlers, no streamers, no balloons. No freakin decorations to be found. I ordered husband to go get table cloths. I rustled though my every growing supply box found red and white streamers. No balloons poo. My cousin shows up, a little late, to mad dash set up what we can. No games made it out except the bubble wrap on the deck for "hop on Pops" The food landed on the table as the first people were showing up. My kids were dressed, my cupcakes frosted and that was that.... despite the crazy hectic morning, it was a good party with good friends and a very happy birthday for Carson William Patrick Parks. So I have decided this, although I have note books full of party plans down to the last details, I need to remember that its about why we are celebrating. No more cakes for me, cup cakes are just fine, besides only 4 cupcakes got eatin' because I make way to much food and snacks and the kids were stuffed full!