im a nerd and I love it!!

There are few thing I like about myself more then how nerdy I am. I honestly radiate nerdiness! So besides being a die hard potter fan I also enjoy Twilight. I didn't even see the first one till the third one was in theaters, but after watching the first one at 2 am feeding a brand new baby I was hooked! I bought the whole series the next morning spend the week reading them, bout the first and second and by Tuesday I was in the theater watching Eclipse and now have been eagerly awaiting Breaking Dawn. I have never been to a movie opening night (unless you cound the Starwars Episode 1 when I won ticket... but had never even see the old one and it was the night before so there was no line sleeping in ect lol) Anyways my cousin and a good friend of mine decided we would make it a ladies night out, and because I can not do anything with out gifts I came up with these little beauties (then I got and Etsy and alas all good ideas have already been done, but I thought I was being creative and cool)

So we will be rocking matching Vampire bite Pearl necklaces at 12:01 AM because not only do I radiate nerdiness but I also infect my friends ha ha ha

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